
Committed by
Bjoern Meyer on Friday, February 15, 2019

Setting the Culture for Date and Currency Fields

ReportingCloud provides fields that are localized automatically based on a culture that can be specified. We introduced a property in the MergeSettings object to specify the culture for the merge process.

The Culture Property

The endpoint document/merge accepts a MergeBody object in the request body data. This object contains a MergeSettings object to adjust several settings for the merge process. The new property culture accepts a string that specifies the culture for the merge process for date and currency values. It must be the Language Culture Name that can be found in this list:

Table of Language Culture Names

For example: For French use "fr-FR", for German "de-DE". Default is English "en-US".


Consider a merge field in an invoice that shows the price of a product.

This field should be formatted as a currency field which is done by setting a C to the Numeric Format option:

When merging this field with culture set to "de-DE", you will get a currency symbol. If set to "en-US", you will get a $ currency symbol. The same is valid for the language of long date field formats:

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